陳小春囝囝Jasper 學野很快, 第二堂已去pump track session 玩, 勁!
Excellent! Victoire can ride the bike within 1 lesson!
Andy enjoy the lesson very much today!
天氣很熱, 但很婷婷都繼續練習!
Lots of fun with Chinese YMCA members today!
今日有奇遇,上堂時遇到很大班行山人仕, 他們都排隊跟Jaden影相握手, 很特別的一天!
Big group of kids today! All kids enjoy cycling in lesson very much!
Wow... both of them enjoy cycling training very much!
Little raining in the lesson! But all participants can ride the bikes in the lesson!
This Korean family is very nice! Congratulation, both 2 kids can ride the bike within 2 hours!
Fix the indoor bicycle for the customer today!
Proud of you! You can master the bike very well, Brain!
Excellent! All participants can ride the bike within 2 hours!
Emma ride the bike a very long distance today!
Lesson in night time is excellent! Congratulation! Karson & Carlie can ride the bike within 1 le