好難想像這班小朋友只是上星期才剛識踏單車, 今日上進階班已經可以嘗試BMX TRACK! 潛力無限!!
Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Advanced (學踏兩輪單車班 - 進階) on 29-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now!...
Nice jump!!
Private BMX Coaching on 29-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY! ...
Awesome! All 5 kids can ride the bike very well!!
Private Bike Learning lesson in Morrison Hill Road Playground on 30-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book...
Passion on cycling! I am happy to see the passion of CIS students even riding on wet floor! All kids
Cycling lesson for Chinese International School (CIS) on 28-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ...
Windy today! but not too hard!
Private Road Bike Training on 28-Apr-2018 in Sunny Bay We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING...
George rides in BMX Track in his 2nd lesson!
Private Bike Learning on 28-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY!...
Awesome! Both of them can ride the bike within 1 hour!!
Private Bike Learning on 28-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY!...
I am happy to teach the big brother first, then sister, and little brother now!!
Private Bike Learning on 28-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN &...
13 位小朋友, 4 個教練,大家又得左!
Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Elementary on 22-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY...
好開心, 今日MTB 很好玩!!
MTB Training Course (Intermediate Level) on 21-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING...
Although this is the 1st lesson, almost all participants know how to ride the bike! Awesome!
Cycling lesson for Chinese International School (CIS) on 21-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ...
Private BMX lesson on 21-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY! ...
George did a good job today!!
Private Bike Learning on 21-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY!...
Enjoy Road Bike Training with the excellent weather and environment!!
Private Road Bike Training on 14-Apr-2018 in Sunny Bay We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING...
Awesome! He is just 3 years old, but he can ride the 2 wheel bike in 1 hour!!
Private Bike Learning on 12-Apr-2018 We have more cycling courses in our official website! Book us now! ENJOY CYCLING WITH FUN & SAFETY!...